EU Child Sex Tourism

EU Child Sex Tourism EU Child Sex Tourism EU Child Sex Tourism

Europe has really ended up in the gutter of social standing. The mere notion of child sex assaults and abductions originates from the lowest of low “individuals”. I can’t say “people” or “humans”, because it is an inhuman act, a brutal crime against humanity. But here we are. and by design.
The orchestrators are not the low-life rapists themselves, but sadly, highly educated billionaires, namely those associated with the World economic forum, UN, and other globalist players. Many of the politicians on the highest levels of government and much of the media have been aligned with them as well.
One country in particular, the UK, for all intents and purposes, has become a child sex tourist country that is worse than some of the known ultra-poor countries. Sadly, Child sex tourism exists, but as of recent times, in the UK, it is in the form of gang-raping from Islamic countries that adhere to strange ideals that justify depraved acts upon children outside of Islam.

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